Saturday, May 03, 2008

A Quick Posting

On April 30th I began preparing for my viva-my
oral defense. I haven't touched my thesis or thought
about it much since I submitted it on January 21.
But I planned to begin reading it carefully two weeks
before my viva. It is close, less than two weeks away,
and I am enjoying getting back into it. I'll plan on
reading it through three times before I defend it.
I'm on the seventh of nine chapters of the first read-
ing of the thesis . I am very satisfied with what I
have written and don't see anything I could have
done differently. I will write more later on the viva
and my thesis.

Meanwhile I have been busy volunteering at a near-
by Christian bookstore and coffeeshop. I had been
putting in four to six hours a week since February.
But three weeks ago I was invited to do 12 hours
for pay. I do enjoy it, but it has really thrown my
schedule out of wack. I'm still trying to adjust to
the extra demand on my time.

I had expected that I would have more free time
once I submitted my thesis back in January. But
it seems that I have been busier than ever. I sub-
mitted all of the paperwork for the Church of Scot-
land on May 1. Getting that done and sent off was
a major ordeal for me. It took up a lot of my time
and energy over the past three months. Now I am
spending considerable time preparing for my viva.

One thing I enjoy is talking with people. The past
three weeks have been especially rich with planned
and unplanned conversations. I spend a lot of time
reflecting on those chats in my journal as well. I
have really enjoyed the conversations, but I ne-
glected keeping up with the blog.

If you do remember me in your prayers, please pray
for my transition time from St. Andrews to wherever
I go with the Church of Scotland. I am no longer con-
sidered a student at the University, and right now I
have no place to go. I have no idea how long the pro-
cess with the Church of Scotland will take, so it is
hard to make any plans. I want to be able to meet
with them as soon as they call. I don't know my next
step yet, so I would appreciate your prayers for the
Lord's guidance, provision, and protection.

I will keep you updated.

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