Saturday, April 19, 2014

Passover Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday in Buchan Land

As I write this posting, it is Saturday evening.  Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, or as others say, Resurrection Sun-day. I am eager for the service tomorrow morn-ing at St Fergus Parish Church.

This past week, Holy Week, has been for me a rich banquet of re-membrance of the last week of Jesus' life, especially his death on the Cross and his being raised by God from death to life.

After a hectic two months, I have been able to slow down to ponder what God did through his Son so long ago in a land far away. This special time of Holy Week actually began for me the week before. I have had the pleasure of speaking at the Baptist Church in Fraserburgh, a fishing town ten miles north of St Fergus. They've been without a pastor for over two years now, but have never wavered in their hunger to praise God, study Scripture, pray, and go evangelising.  

The speaker is from Northern Ireland and now serves with Faith Mission in Scotland. He spoke on the seven sayings of Jesus from the Cross. I love listening to someone from there who speaks in the lilting tongue of Northern Ireland. I was able to sit and listen to a fine Biblical preacher as he drew us closer to Christ on the Cross. I could only attend two evenings, but my heart was prepared for Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.

There was nothing going on at St Fergus Parish Church during Holy Week except on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. I made people aware of all that was going on in Peterhead, five miles down the road. There are four churches in Peterhead that are beginning to do things together for the Gospel. There's Abi at St Andrews, one of the three Church of Scotland congregations in town; James at the Congregational Church; Isobel at the Methodist Church; and Bram and Eileen from the Salvation Army. I have always sought out any opportunity to meet with and serve cooperatively with other churches. Even though St Fergus is not a part of Peterhead, they have welcomed me into their united activities. It is right and good to serve with them for the sake of Christ.

From Monday of Holy Week through Good Friday, James led a short Lunch Time service at the Congregational Church. People from various churches came for the daily services and stayed for a finger buffet after each service. From Monday through Wednesday, Abi spoke on the Words of Jesus from the Cross at evening services at St Andrews Church. Abi, who is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has a passion for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There were good turnouts of people from different churches in Peterhead. At Maundy Thursday services, Communion was served at the Lunch Time service at the Congregational Church and at evening services at one of the other Church of Scotland congregations in town and at the Methodist Church. On Good Friday there was a short service at the town square in Peterhead. Although it was organised by Isobel and the Methodist Church, I and other ministers took part. It was a powerful witness to the Cross of Christ. That evening the four Church of Scotland congregations met for a Good Friday service although I saw many people from other churches.

Wednesday evening I attended a Messianic Passover Seder at an episcopal church in a nearby town. It was led by Kanaan, a Messianic Jew from Greece and the USA who is now living in the North-East of Scotland. It meant so much to me to look to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. As a result of the Seder, I now look at Good Friday with increased understanding. Even though I did attend and even took part in many of the services, I was able to sit and drink in what other ministers had prepared. My view of Holy Week has increased dramatically and I have gained further blessings from my going through Holy Week, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday. Not only did I ponder God's work through the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus, but I was blessed by seeing Christians from various churches  in Peterhead working together for the Lord.

Resurrection blessings to you and yours,