Monday, February 28, 2011


I am alive! Preparing to move and three days of travel in late January
wore me out. The routine that I had developed over the past year was
totally disrupted. Last week I slowly re-established my world by drink-
ing in long draughts of sleep, taking naps, and basically doing nothing
but vegging out. The two weeks before last I had the pleasure of being
with good friends and taking part in the services at my home church in
Kelso, Washington. It took me about eight days to deal with the eight
hour time change. I got a new drivers license, had wonderful meals with
several friends, and went out with others. Starting the visa application
process, preaching and leading in a service at the church, being avail-
able to help out a good friend who just lost her father, and preparing to
take the drivers test and exam demanded a lot of my attention and
energy since I arrived. Last week I just plain pooped out and couldn't
do much of anything. But today I feel energetic again and ready to tack-
le everything I need to do. I will keep you posted. As always, I ask for
your thoughts and prayers.

Blessings to you and yours,