Thursday, February 26, 2015

Four Congregations Worshipping as One

On Sunday, February 8, the four Church of Scotland (C of S) congre-
gations of the Peterhead Grouping met together for a morning united
service at one of the Peterhead churches. St Andrews, Trinity, and the
Old Parish Church are the three Peterhead congregations in the Peter-
head Grouping. Little St Fergus Parish Church, the congregation I pas-
tor, is the fourth congregation of the Grouping. The village of St Fergus
is about three miles north of Peterhead.

Peterhead is a town of 16,000 people and has more than its fair share
of churches. I've heard it said that there are thirty three or so different congregations. Over half are Brethren fellowships. Peterhead is a key
centre of the Brethren. This larger area of North East Aberdeenshire
has been referred to as the Bible Belt of Scotland. The Church of Scot-
land has been the national church in the land. So it is not surprising
that there have been three Church of Scotland congregations. There
may have been more earlier in the last century.

But the Church of Scotland has been in steep decline all across the
country since the 1960s and 70s. Two of Peterhead's C of S congre-
gations are feeling the strains of smaller congregations that are growing older. Younger people
rarely turn out for worship at these churches, but go to more energetic non-denominational con-
gregations in the area, if they even attend church at all. I have heard it said that ten years ago,
no one would have thought seriously that the three churches should merge as one. There would
have been massive walkouts from the churches if the uniting had been done.

But two summers ago, the four churches (the three Peterhead churches and St Fergus) met
together and seriously discussed the plan to bring together the three town churches. Since
then representatives of the four churches have been meeting together to take further steps
to do just that. The Peterhead Working Committee is waiting on architectural and engineer-
ing analyses in order to decide how best to move ahead or drop the plan. The situation looks
bleak to some people; others are being cautious, waiting to see what develops; and a few are
more optimistic. The people in the three town churches see the serious challenges before
them, yet put their trust in the Lord who will guide for them and provide for them.

We have had six united services over the past two years. These united services were held
in one of the four congregations of the Peterhead Grouping in February, July, and Novem-
ber. On the Sunday that there was an united service, the congregation of the other three
would not have their own Sunday service, but would go to the church where the joint ser-
vice was to be held. Except for one or two times, turnout was not that high. Some people
chose to stay at home. But on February 8, we were pleasantly pleased by the turnout. We
at St Fergus Parish Church had 15 there, quite a surprise! Altogether there were about
180 people at the service. It was so nice to see. The spirit of the congregation was unlike
I'd ever sensed in other united services, let alone other church services.

I took the lead on planning the service. It was nice to be in front of a large congregation
that responded to those of us up front. Here were four congregations who were together
worshipping Jesus Christ as one congregation. I was up front with the other two leaders
and we enjoyed the full brunt of the beautiful singing of hymns with full gusto. It was a
service I will always remember. A lot of people commented on how there was such a
nice spirit there and that they enjoyed it. That's so great. I will write more about the ser-
vice in my next blog posting.

As always, blessings to you and yours,

Friday, February 13, 2015

An Ongoing Tale of Three Churches

This won't be a long blog posting. I just 
need to get something written down to 
share with you. It has been a hard and 
busy time for me since the beginning 
of December. I expected things would 
slow down during January, but I was hit 
pretty hard in the face with things to do. 
I enjoy all that I do as the minister of St 
Fergus Parish Church. But I am also the 
lone full-time minister among the four 
Church of Scotland congregations of the Peterhead Grouping. 

Peterhead is the big town just three miles 
down the road from St Fergus. St Fergus 
is a village of 700 or so people; Peterhead 
is a large town of 16,000 people. It is the 
white fish capital of the European Union. 
St Fergus Parish Church is a Church of Scotland Congregation. There are three 
Church of Scotland congregations  in Peterhead. The St Fergus Parish Church
has always been the smallest of the four Parish Grouping churches. Now all three town congregations are without a minister. Only tiny rural St Fergus has their own minis-
ter: me. Only one of the four congregations, one of the congregations in town, has experienced any growth during the last five years. 

A year and a half ago, the elders of the four churches of the Peterhead Grouping met to 
look into uniting the three Peterhead congregations. An overwhelming majority voted 
to take the initial steps to joining three congregations into one. For over a year a com-
mittee has been meeting to work through that process. As the minister of St Fergus, I 
have been a part of that committee even though St Fergus Parish Church is not a part 
of the three other congregations coming together. As you might have imagined, 
the committee has has had to make its way through countless obstacles, difficulties,  
and challenges.

It is within this context that Proverbs 3:5-6 comes to mind. It has been an important 
lighthouse in my life for over forty years. These verses cut right to the heart of the mat-
ter as I seek to work out God's will in my life. As I and my colleagues deal with these 
critical issues of uniting three congregations into one, Proverbs 3:5-6 shows me the 
way: trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understand-
ing. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. I do 
not have any indication of the road ahead. I and my colleagues assigned the task of 
preparing for union of the three Peterhead congregations do so by focusing on Jesus 
and His kingdom and committing our way to the Lord, trusting in Him. 

It is important to me that I get this posted today. I have many other things that I need
to do. It is necessary that I get this posted because it has been a long time since I did a 
posting. As much as I seek to avoid maintaining a blog, it is something I firmly believe 
the Lord has called me to do. I am again recognising that it is a matter of obedience to
the Lord. I submit this now and look forward to preparing the next posing that is 
more timely. 

Blessings to you and yours,