Friday, May 16, 2008

Hey, Hey, I Really Am OK! Eh?

The Canadians have a wonderful way of employing 'eh'
with just the right tone and timing when talking. The
Scots also have their own distinct way of using 'aye' in
their speech. The desired response by the hearer of
said 'eh' or 'aye' is to trust what the speaker has just
said. When I employ 'eh' (I couild have used 'aye') in
the title above, I am asking you, dear reader, to trust
me when I state that I am OK with the results of the
viva. In fact, I welcome the opportunity to continue to
work on my thesis for a bit longer.

I am not mentally quick; I ponder, wrestle, labor, and
struggle to think well. I have never learned things quick-
ly, and so I rarely do things right the first few times. In
terms of mental activity I am a tortoise, and not a hare;
a hotair balloon, and not a jet airplane; a crockpot, and
not a microwave oven. I hope I am more like an aged
fine wine one savors with a good meal than instant cof-
fee gulped down in the morning. I remember times long
ago when l would race ahead of my mother and look way
back to see her slowly making her way to our common
destination. Well, my thinking is like my mother's walk-
ing: sooner or later my thinking gets me to the desired

Even though I feel disappointed about the outcome
of the viva, and because I am a crockpot-type think-
er, I actually welcome the opportunity to do some
more work on my thesis for re-submission. My the-
sis is like a good meal in the crockpot that smells
ready to eat. However, after having tasted it, I rea-
lize it still needs a little more time in the crockpot.
But boy, do I look forward to enjoying it when it
has cooked a bit longer. All the ingredients are
there; it is just going to need a little more time in
the crockpot.

Having the degree of PhD is not as important to me
as having had the chance to study and reflect on Or-
lando Costas, the topic of my research. I am appre-
ciative that my two readers maintained high stan-
dards and did not just wave my thesis through.
Their comments were useful and challenging. Be-
cause of that I hope to have a much better thesis
to resubmit.

Blessings to you and yours, the Crackpot Crockpot

1 comment:

kingfisherblue said...

Heh jeff. We sent my Mum up in a hot air balloon to celebrate her retirement. Instead of floating off into the future, she just sat in the air above us, doing something fancy called 'boxing'. Essentially, she was going up, across, down, and back across to the start, repeatedly. The commentators were most impressed, as only a particular combination of wind currents and skilled navigators can do this. Maybe you are a 'boxing' balloon?! Love Jo W