Monday, April 04, 2011

The Visa Application Refusal

I recently learned that my application for a minister of religion visa to return to Scotland has been refused by the Home Office of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). Everything in my application was in order: I had received a call to be a minister of a church in Scotland, my salary and benefits were up to standards, and I had sufficient points that met the requirements for a minister of religion visa. But I admitted that I had overstayed my expired student visa. Although I thought that I had good grounds for receiving a visa, a letter from the Home Office explained that an overstay of a visa is grounds for an automatic refusal of a visa application. I cannot appeal the decision nor can I apply for a visa until I have been out of the United Kingdom for 12 months. In mid-January of next year I will again apply for the minister of religion visa. Although the refusal of my application is disappointing, it is not disheartening; although it is a setback, it is not a crushing blow. I am planning on returning to Scotland in February, 2012, in order to assume pastoral responsibilities at St. Fergus Parish Church, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. I look forward to it! Meanwhile I am seeking longer term accommodation and some type of employment, preferably in an interim pastoral position. I will keep you updated as time unfolds. I keep moving forward with my head up and my eyes open. This situation has a strong 'God- feel' to it, so I am eager to experience what the Lord has in store for me. I sense that an exciting time of preparation for the next stage in my life and ministry is ahead of me in the next ten months. I feel like I am embarking on a new and different adventure! As I have in the past, I covet your prayers. Blessings to you and yours,

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