Holy Week is my favorite time of the year. Nothing during the year, including Advent
and Christmas, compares to the spectacular glories of Good Friday and Resurrec-
tion Sunday. Last night I went to a Maundy Thursday service at a sister Presbyterian
Church in town. Tonight I am doing the voices of Pontius Pilate, Peter, Luke, and
John in a Good Friday cantata in my home church. Then on Easter Sunday we will
meet for an Easter breakfast and morning worship. All this week I have been reading
the Easter narratives from the four gospels. It is such a glorious time for me because
my attention is focused on what God has done for us in the Cross of Jesus Christ
and his Resurrection from the dead. The eyes of my heart look to the work God has
done through Jesus Christ, not on any work that I do to earn God's favour, the for-
giveness of our sins. That is the very heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the mes-
sage we proclaim to the nations.
This week has been a very hectic week for me. The Cross and the Empty Tomb
have provided me with stability and security in a very chaotic time. I ordered a Mac
Book that just arrived today. So now I have to make the uncomfortable switch
from Microsoft to Mac, although I have heard that the latter is far easier to learn
and operate than the former. I recently signed a rental agreement for a studio
apartment, and now I face the challenge of finding furniture and furnishings. My num-
ber one priority has been locating an extra long twin bed and bedding for it. I pick
up the bed today or tomorrow. Meanwhile people have been supplying me with
stuff to fill the apartment. My greatest challenge has been finding a used car that is
priced just right and one that I can fit in without my knees up under my chin when I
drive. I think I have found one that fits the bill. I am running here, there, and every-
I do feel stressed. With so many things to do and arrange and so many places to
go, I feel overwhelmed. I am suddenly being uncoupled from my life that was cen-
tered around the University of St. Andrews. Now God is starting the process of
coupling me to the people at St. Fergus Parish Church in Scotland. In a way that
only God could arrange, I find that it means being placed here in the Longview/-
Kelso area until early next year. It's quite a challenge, and I feel like I am growing
by leaps and bounds. It may be a while before I am again online posting blogs. I
don't know what to expect timewise in setting up the Mac. I hope it won't be too
long before I am posting again, but I am not sure. I have quite a few challenges be-
fore me. As always, I ask you for your prayers.
An abundance of Easter blessings to you and yours,
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