Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Under Orders and In the Wilderness

I often think back to the story of Israel in the Wilderness that is re-
corded in the Old Testament books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and
Deuteronomy. The people of Israel had experienced the mighty liberat-
ing acts of the Lord God that released them from slavery in Egypt. God
led them through the Wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. In
the Wilderness, the people of Israel responded to God's great acts with
constant rebellion, infidelity, disobedience, and complaining. The Lord
God judged the people, they wandered there for 40 years, and a whole-
generation died in the Wilderness without entering the Promised Land
all, that is, except Joshua and Caleb. I do not want to be like the people
of Israel in the Wilderness; I do, however, want to be faithful and obedi-
ent like Joshua and Caleb.

The challenge I face at home in SW Washington State is to remain faith-
ful and disciplined as I await further orders. God's orders to me at this
time are to stand down and sit tight until the Lord moves me out. That
order is difficult for me now and I have been experiencing my own wil-
derness. I want to be in action, not out of the action. It seems I have
been out of action for the last three years-I can't imagine 40 years of it.
I have done everything that I can to apply for my minister of religion
visa for the United Kingdom. There is nothing more that I can do but
wait and pray, and I have been doing that. I am ready to get into action
as soon as I get the word, but it hasn't come yet.

Meanwhile I do everything I can to keep from being like the people of
Israel in the Wilderness. They went their own way rather than God's
way. I have been royally blessed by two great friends who have opened
up their home and lives to me and provided me with a refuge. I have
space to seek the Lord through Scripture, prayer, and journaling. I am
sleeping well, taking great naps, enjoying reading for pleasure, walking,
and trying to eat well. I have been able to be part of a number of Chris-
tian small groups that have greatly encouraged me. I have had fun at a
number of outings that came up rather unexpectedly. It seems I always
have too much to do during the day. Unfortunately I have realized that
I have not had the time to visit with or call friends who mean a lot to me.
I expect that will change once I get my orders and I know where I'm go-
ing to next.

As always, I covet your prayers on my behalf.

Blessings to you and yours,

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