Sunday, November 01, 2009

It's Been a 'Dreich' Sort of Day

Dreich is an Old Scots word that sounds as bad as the weather
it describes. The word is used by Scottish people to describe the
weather. A day is dreich if its weather is characterized by at
least four of the following adjectives: overcast, drizzily, dull, cold,
misty, and miserable. So a day that is a dreich day must have at
least four of those as descriptive of the day's weather. When a
Scottish person says dreich to describe the weather, I know that
it is horrible weather.

Well, today was 100% dreich! It was overcast, drizzily, dull, cold,
misty, and miserable, and all of that again. It was a super uchy
type of day. It started early in the morning and is still going
strong late into the night. My skin is starting to rust and my
feet are developing webbing between the toes. I keep singing
'Rain Drops keep falling on my head." But no longer is it sung
to keep Californians out of Washington State, but to keep the
English from moving up into Scotland.

But the day keeps being pure dreich.

Blessings to you and yours,

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