Monday, November 23, 2009

A Door Closed

Last Tuesday morning I received a phone call from a church
that I had applied to fill a vacancy in September. The Vacan-
cy Committee had decided not to carry on with my application.
It is always difficult for me to receive news like that. I felt dis-
appointment and some discouragement. It was an end of a re-
lationship that I had enjoyed. But it's not meant to be.

The larger of the two churches involved was especially look-
ing for more a minister with more experience and leadership
skills than I have. Even though I had sensed that I was not
quite what they were looking for, I still had my hopes up. If
I had gone there I believe that I would have felt considerable
stress to perform in a way that was not me. I believe that the
Committee had been sensitive to God in their deliberations and
their final decision. I trust them in their discernment process.

So, the door has closed on that possibility. A good friend con-
soled me by sharing that when when God closes one door, God
always opens another one. I have been richly blessed by the
love and support of friends here in Cupar and St. Andrews. I
really have been blessed by them.

I have been eagerly looking at other vacancies that I believe
I would be a good candidate. I am seeking to be sensitive to a
door opening before me. It is actually exciting for me to be do-
ing that. If you pray for me, I would ask that you pray that I
would be patient in waiting, attentive to the Lord's leading, and
obedient to walk through the door God opens.

Blessings to you and yours,

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