Friday, September 26, 2008

England, Scotland, and Wales

I'm taking just a few minutes to give you an update on what
is happening with me these few days. Two weeks ago I was
invited to be an hononrary chaplain at St. Deiniol's Libary
in Wales October 11-31. It is a world-renowned residential
library that has roots in the Church of Wales of the Anglican
Communion. I get room and board in exchange for celebra-
ting the Eucharist during the week and being in residence
for pastoral concerns. Last Monday, just a few days ago, I
was asked if I could start September 29. I agreed to come
and start my duties on the earlier date.

As a result my life during the last few days has been in
turmoil. Yesterday I moved my stuff up from Holy Island
(where I've been since early June) to storage in St. And-
drews. This afternoon I catch a ride with a Church of Scot-
land colleague to the first of four probationers' residential
conferences that I have to do in the next twelve months in
preparation for transfering my ordination to the Church of
Scotland. On Sunday afternoon I'll return to St. Andrews
for the night. Early on Monday morning I'll travel by train
to the Library in Wales. Then I will have a month to enjoy
the Library in Wales, serve in a pastoral position there,
and do a significant amount of writing that I need to do.

Things are happening so quickly that it has been hard for
me to catch my breath. I realize that I am experiencing a
fair amount of grieving for leaving the people of The Open
Gate, other friends on the island, and the peacefulness, holi-
ness, and beauty that characterizes Holy Island. But I look
forward to getting to know the Church of Scotland as I start
the long final phase of the ordination transfer process this
weekend. Also I am eager to get down to the Library in
Wales to get some serious work done on my thesis. This has
been a special summer and fall for me, some of the best
times in my life.

I have often experienced transitions from one place to
another, but never have I had to go through three tran-
sitions as I am doing within these four days. I have been
keenly aware of the Lord providing for my every need.
I have felt loved, protected, and guided. It's a special time
for me, one that I will treasure in my heart. As I reflect
on these four days I realize that until yesterday I was in
England, that for these next three days I am in Scotland
where I've been for the last four years, and then that Mon-
day I am in Wales for a month. It is an adventure I am
really enjoying.

Blessings to you and yours,

1 comment:

Canadi-Ann said...


How exciting and blessed (and perhaps a bit tiring) to be transitioning so quickly. You're right, God is giving you very good things to do and enjoy these days. I'd love the chance to do them myself as the places you are visiting sound very beautiful.

Praying for you as you transition to minister with the Church of Scotland.

I'm interested to hear how your time went with the Iona community.