Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Tide Has Turned

When I woke up this morning, I had a strong sense that something in my right eye had broken;
not in the sense that eye was broken down and no longer working right (my eye may be broken
down in that sense), but that the negative condition of the eye had reached its highpoint and it
had started to go down, to decrease. I spent four months of 2008 as a volunteer at a Christian
Retreat Centre on Holy Island/Lindisfarne, a tidal island in north coastal England. I remember
sitting in the garden with the director and hearing him remark to me that the tide had just reached
its highpoint and was now going out. He had no way to verify this, but he could sense it. The
tide had broken; it had turned. There have been times that I have gone to bed sicker than a dog
with fever. Later I woke up in the middle of the night, having a strong sense that the fever had
broken. I expected that I would be getting increasingly better from then on.

That's how I felt when I got up this morning: the condition of my eye was still poor, but I sensed
that the highpoint of the condition had been reached and it was decreasing from that time onward.
My sight, as poor as it is, is improving day by day. The sharp jabs of pain have disappeared. I am getting perspective of two eyes rather than just one. I am resting well. I finally received the medi-
cal records from the eye surgeon in Boston who performed the surgery on my eye in 1992. I will
pass those on to my doctor here on Friday. I still may lose my sight in the right eye, but for now
that is not the direction it is headed. I receive the comfort and peace that only Jesus can provide.
The condition in my right eye has broken, the tide has turned. I covet your prayers.

Blessings to you and yours,

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