Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Saturday Report on My Eye

Yesterday, Dr Kuffova again examined my right eye at the Eye Clinic of the Aberdeen Royal In-
firmary. I am grateful for the quality of care that I have received at the Clinic by Dr Kuffova and
the staff.  She and several other resident doctors had examined my eye three weeks before and
had proposed the option of removing a buckle that was inserted in '92 to hold my retina in place.
The buckle was protruding and irritating the eye. She prescribed drops and steroids to stabilise the
eye and made an appointment to see her in three weeks.

When I saw Dr Kuffova yesterday, it had been the three weeks since she had last examined my
eye. But a lot had happened since I last saw her. On Saturday, I experienced jabs of pain in my
eye. The next morning I was examined by three eye doctors down in Aberdeen. They told me
my eye was shrinking and shutting down. My daily routine of drops and steroids were increased
in strength and times per day. That night I lost all vision in my right eye.

Yesterday, I had hopes that my eye had been stabilised, but that was not the news I received.
Dr Kuffova saw bleeding inside my eye and this was was causing the pain. The bleeding was
not stopping because I am on warfarin to thin my blood. In the case of my aortic valve replace-
ment, warfarin is important for preventing life-threatening strokes; but in the case of my eye,
warfarin was preventing blood from gelling and stopping. Pressure was continuing to decrease
in my eye. My condition was serious: I could lose the use of my right eye. She increased the reg-
imen of drops and steroids to stabilise the eye. I will see her again next Friday.

I have been on the increased regimen of medicine for 24 hours now, and already I see and feel
positive signs. I put drops in my eye or take pills nineteen times a day. I slept well last night-
for over nine hours. I took a delicious three-hour nap early in the afternoon. The pain has di-
minished greatly, but I don't know whether it is because of pain relievers or the bleeding is
starting to stop. I did wake up from the nap realising that I had missed my time to take pain
relievers, yet I was not overcome by pain as I was before. I have asked replacements to take
over two services for me. I do not know how this will turnout. All I can do is follow the doc-
tor's orders, praise the Lord, and entrust myself into his God's loving arms. I am resting well
and I feel at peace. As always, I ask for your continued prayers.

Blessings to you and yours,

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