Wednesday, October 22, 2008

You ok, Luv?

Ever since I came south to England from Scotland I have
noticed that English people whom I knew would greet me
with a "You ok?" This question perplexed me because I
began to worry that I must look pretty bad to elicit such
a question. But I gradually understood that it is an English
way of greeting someone, much like our 'how ya doin'?' Now
I don't give it any thought when an Enlish person asks me if
I'm ok. I now interpret it as a nice greeting to which no reply
is expected or wanted by the person asking.

When I first arrived here at St. Deiniol's Library in Wales
I headed to the dining room for a snack. I spied a nice slice
of chocolate cake that I thought had my name on it, waiting
for me to choose it. An attractive middle-aged dining room
attendant asked me: "You ok, Luv?" She called me "Luv!"
She called me 'luv" at dinner, too! I noticed that I had a
spring in my step and a swagger in my walk for the next
few days. I thought that I was quite the man! A couple of
days later after she returned from being off a couple of days
I noticed that she addressed every man as "luv." I immedi-
ately crashed and burned.

But my downcast spirits were lifted when I found a good
supply of regular Dr Pepper and Dr Pepper No Sugar at a
small store near the library. Imagine that! Dr P in a small
village in Wales. Do wonders never cease? Since then I have
cleaned out the remaining supply of Dr P and Dr P No Sugar
that other customers had not bought. Imagine that! Welsh
people drinking Dr P! I don't know when they will get in more,
but I was so surprised to see Dr Pepper here in such a small
town in Wales.

Blessings and all the best to you and yours,

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