Thursday, June 05, 2008

An End of an Era

I am grieving an end of an era of my life. Saturday, the day
I leave St. Andrews for Holy Island, is quickly approaching.
How quickly the time has passed has staggered me. It is the
people here that I will miss the most. I am grieving the loss
of them in my life.

I've been going through doing a lot of things here in St. An-
drews for the last time: the last morning prayer, the last Sun-
day church service here, my last day of volunteering at the
Ladyhead Bookshoppe, my last dinner at Dean's Court, the
final home group meeting, the last pancakes and hot choco-
late I have from the North many things that sup-
ported me and nurtured me over the past four years. That
era of my life is coming to an end the day after tomorrow.

And yet I have glimpses of a new era that is just beginning.
Today I met with Church of Scotland representatives for
interviews. They will let me know of their decision about
the transfer of my ordination on June 24. I felt good about
the interviews, and would hope that there is a place for me
in the Church of Scotland. My time of doing volunteer ser-
vice with The Open Gate on Holy Island is a fitting way to
begin a new era in my life.

I grieve the door of the past four years closing behind me,
but I am becoming more aware of a door opening in front
of me, one brimming with new adventures of a different

As always, I covet your prayers on my behalf.

Blessings to you and yours,

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