Friday, September 08, 2006

Taming a Wild Heart

Sometimes when I am at a quiet place in my life, the first
three petitions of the Lord's Prayer confront me. I sadly
realize that even though I am calling for God's Name to be
honored, God's Kingdom to come, and God's Will to be
done, under my breath I am actually praying that my
name would be honored, my kingdom established, and
my will done.

Despite years, even decades, of great Bible study, wonderful
times of prayer, and marvelous worship, I still want to live
the Christian life my way. But despite all the stubborn and
off track and rebellious choices I have made all these years,
I still recognize the Lord's steady Hand transforming my
way of death into God's way of life. I see glimpses now and
again of the honor due God's Name, the coming of God's
Kingdom, and the beauty of God's Will being done. I keep
having to learn over and over again that in seeking above
all the honor of God's Name, seeking first God's Kingdom,
and doing God's Will above my will, that is life to me. And
may it be so for you, too, my friends. JT

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