Monday, September 18, 2006

Enriched by Friends.

Yesterday I spent a wonderful afternoon and
evening with a friend and his wife. He's an Amer-
ican scholar and intellectual who taught for over
thirty years at a nearby Scottish university. His
wife of thirty four years is a charming and delight-
ful woman who solidly engages and confronts her
husband's far ranging intellect. It is fun to watch
the two interact with one another in sharp conver-
sation. It is clearly evident how much they love one
another, and yet that doesn't stifle their sparring
with each other.

Out at their place I soaked up the radiant sun and
the peacefulness of the gentle country village. The
sun's light brought out the rich textures and colors
of the Scottish landscape. I marveled at the graz-
ing cattle, the emerald green grass, baled hay in the
fields, rolling hills, the woods, and quaint houses of
the village. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful set-
ting with two people I am fond of. What more could
I ask for?

We two men went for a stroll through the woods
and meadows. I took pleasure in the landscape
and delighted in the conversation. We talked about
all kinds of things: of history, contemporary events,
and culture. My friend has a probing and brilliant
mind and he is engaging in conversation. There
came a point when he stopped and unexpectedly
shared from a deep place in his life. It seemed to
me a sacred and precious moment, and all I could
do was listen and hold what he shared close to my

The day was capped off with wonderful food and
conversation around the dinner table. All three of
us had opportunities to share and to listen to one
another. Both of them have intentionally lived their
whole lives as if God does not exist whereas I hold
firm to Jesus who loves me and gave his life for
me. Yet we share a profound respect for one anoth-
er and honor each other. Getting home I felt bless-
ed and satisfied with wonderful food, a refreshing
walk in the countryside, engaging conversation, and
delightful friends. What more could I ask for?

I have been remembering the friends in my life,
both here and far away, now and through the
years. I feel so blessed by them, women and men.
Rarely did I seek friendship with them, and yet
it came about. It has always seemed to me to be
totally undeserved and totally unexpected, purely
an act of God's grace and mercy. Friends are some
of what I treasure the most in life. I ponder the
friends God has given me, and I give God thanks.

Shalom, JT

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