Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Big John

Big John (that may or may not be his real name) reminds me of a character
of Robin Hood lore who, I think, went by the name of Big John. Or was it
Little John? Regardless, he's an imposing figure, but with a gentle spirit. He
is a bit shorter than I am and just a few months younger than me. There re-
mains the remnants of a military bearing of service years before that was con-
firmed in a recent conversation. So the first time I saw him, I named him Big

I have been attending Morning Prayer Watch at a local church center since
late March. For over five years people have been gathering together to pray
from 5 to 7 in the morning, seven days a week.  They have been praying for
different topics and concerns each day. One day in late April I saw a new per-
son whom I later named Big John approach the open mic and pray for the heal-
ing of the pain of broken relationships in his family. He prayed publicly several
days a week for reconciliation. Later he shared with us that things had not
worked out as he had hoped. But that did not slow down Big John.

I don't think Big John finished his high school education, but now he has such
a hunger to learn. While people are praying in the sanctuary of the church, the
front part is open to people who live on the street. Between 5 and 7 there is a
warm place where they can get coffee and sometimes a little breakfast. There
are nice, comfortable chairs in which people can have a nap in safety. There's
clean men's and women's restrooms and places to take a shower. John started
hanging out there in the lobby in order to provide security and offer a listening
ear. He was there for them, but he also give them space.

Big John knows the people who come in because he's been there and done
that. He expresses a beautiful mix of compassion, respect, and firmness. The
lobby has become Big John's place of ministry. He's been through a lot, and
Jesus' healing work is very evident in his life. Jesus has been slowly changing
and transforming Big John's life. People feel safe around him. I have often seen
him on a laptop somebody gave him at a table with three or four men and wo-
men crowded around. Sometimes all of them are chatting; other times they are
just sitting. I will share more about him in the next few days.

Blessings to you and yours,

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