Saturday, October 29, 2011

Big John, People Who Live on the Street, and Bed Bugs

Big John has lived a pretty hard life. He has fifteen or sixteen brothers and sis-
ters. Incest was sown into the very fabric of his family, and so Big John and
many of his siblings, especially his sisters, were wounded and traumatized. He
has had many doors slammed in his face as he has tried to seek forgiveness and
reconciliation in Jesus. Since he came to Christ, he been being transformed by
the Holy Spirit as a man and as a disciple of Christ. Big John tells people that he
is a registered sex offender who was released from prison late last spring. He is
required to check in with a corrections officer every few days. His whereabouts
are closely monitored and he has to request authorization to go out of the area to
go to the VA hospital. He has had no success finding a job. Big John understands
that employers do not trust a registered sex offender.

Despite the challenges of his offense, he has sought every opportunity to better
himself. While in prison he enrolled in Bible correspondence courses and partici-
pated in the prison chapter of Toast Masters; he has continued with those two ac-
tivities in the area after being released from prison. Every Tuesday he leaves Morn-
ing Watch early to go over to an early bird Toast Masters group. He has worked
himself up the public speaking ladder in hopes of better equipping himself for preach-
ing. Big John volunteers for a local ministry that provides services to disabled and
elderly people. He contributes to the leadership of an AA group that meets in the
church he attends. But most of all, I admire Big John's love for and service to the
people who live on the street who come to the building while we have Morning
Watch. His manner blends compassion with tender authority. He has been on the
street and knows what it is like.

There's not too much keeping Big John off the street now. He relies on God to
provide for his needs; he also takes every opportunity to put himself in a better po-
sition. But yesterday he shared with me that he didn't get much sleep the night be-
fore because bed bugs kept him awake at night. He's told the manager of the place
he lives in about it, but there's not much happening. As I listen to Big John and
the people who live on the streets I feel so utterly helpless; there's really nothing
I can do. It seems many of the street people have lost hope and will not move out
of their condition; Big John is an exception. Yet I see him struggle to find work
and deal with the bed bugs. Lord Jesus, be with Big John; provide for his every
need. But the more difficult challenge is what I would do. Lord Jesus, help!

Blessings to you and yours,

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