Friday, January 14, 2011

A Quick Update

The snow is disappearing and the temperatures have been rising. There
were several downpours early this morning that seem to have washed
a lot of snow away. It was relaxing to hear the gusts of wind-blown rain
against the window of my bedroom. It has been a long time since I have
heard rain. For the past four or five weeks now, there has been little or
no rain and significant snowfall. Last week, just as the mounds of snow
were finally deteriorating, we got another snow storm. With the below-
freezing temperatures, walking on the glazed ice proved treacherous.
Warming air is forecasted and no snowfall is expected in the immediate
future. This should help walkways be easier to walk on.

This coming Sunday, I preach as what is referred to as 'sole nominee' at
St. Fergus Parish Church. After I lead the Sunday morning worship ser-
vice and preach, the congregation will vote whether to extend a call to
me to be their minister. I will be preaching from Isaiah 43:1-5 and
John 10:11-18. I am so looking forward to being with the people of the
congregation, leading them in Sunday worship, and discerning together
what God has in store for me and for the congregation. I am eager to
see how the Lord has been guiding us. I have a strong sense of calling
to be up there and serving the congregation. But I have had that sense
several times before. I will let you know what happened early next week.

Blessings to you and yours,

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