Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Visa Update

I spent last week, February 16-20, talking to people in St. Andrews
and Edinburgh who have knowledge of immigration issues. I was ad-
vised to seek the services of an immigration attorney. I contacted
the six legal services that had been referred to me with no success.
Late last Friday afternoon a legal clinic in Glasgow called me back
and arranged for me to come in on Tuesday, February 24. Yester-
day I met with Nicola, the legal counsel assigned to my case. I like
her because she is a thoroughly Irish lass, exhibits considerable
spunk, and is committed to working with me to get me a new
visa. She firmly believes that my plan to appeal my recent minis-
ters' visa refusal would fail. After hearing my situation she is ex-
ploring other options that have a greater possibility of success.
Nicola explained that the British Home Office that handles visas
is quite rigid and inflexible. She made it quite clear that there is
considerable likelihood that my case will not succeed. It just does
not make any sense to me. I can see why I am not a lawyer. I do
not think the way lawyers and judges think. Despite that, I com-
municated my desire to work as hard as I can to put together the
best case we can to present at an immigration hearing. So now
Nicola is studying different ways to handle my case and I am gather-
ing more documentation. We'll see what happens.

As always, I covet your prayers.

Blessings and all the best to you and yours,

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