Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

It is now the last hour of Christmas Day in Northeast Scotland. There is a chilled wind that sucks the heat out of my body, but there is no rain or snow to make it miserable this time of year. I had a busy, although wonderful, week leading up to Christmas. Last night I enjoyed three different Christmas Eve services. At two of them I spoke about Jesus as the reason for the season. I shared a reading that I had presented last year at the same services. But this time I was able to tweak it a little bit. I now pre-sent it to you to reflect on as Christmas still lingers in the air. Before I forget, I hope you have had a very special Christmas. Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season!


A thousand times in history 
a baby became king;
but only once in history
did a king become a baby. 
  That King is the Great King Jesus. 

   A thousand times in history
     people served their king;
     but throughout history, 
    there has only been one King 
     who serves His people.
             That King is the Great King Jesus.
A thousand times in history
 people sacrificed their lives for their king;
but there is only one king 
  who sacrificed His life for His people.
  That King is the Great King Jesus. 

A thousand times in history
 death conquered a king;
  but there is only one King 
         who has conquered death.
    Even now He bestows life 
      in all its fullness on His people. 
      That King is the Great King Jesus. 

Every Christmas blessing to you and yours, 


Dawn said...

Jesus is the Rizzle for the Sizzle. Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

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