Wednesday, December 05, 2012

I Can Feel It - Something's Happening Here

I was up early Sunday morning to finish preparing for the Sunday service. I looked out of my
bedroom window to a nearby streetlight. The light illuminated falling snow. I looked at my car
parked down below and saw the windshield caked with ice. My study felt like the inside of a
refrigerator and the whole house was cold. I turned on the heating and clothed myself in layers.
I still shivered as the room started to warm up. My first real taste of winter in the Land of Buch-
an. I have heard that there's not that much snow here and that it rarely gets below freezing. But
still, I would rather have Spring-like weather than the wet cold of a winter day in the North East
of Scotland. The increasing shorter hours of daylight only contribute to the feeling that winter is
here for the long-term.

But the colder and darker it becomes outside, the the more I become aware of what Jesus is do-
ing in the hearts of people at St Fergus Parish Church. Weather-wise, it was freezing cold and
icy last Sunday. I had expected that turn out for the church service would be lower than usual.
But it seemed as if people paid little attention to the bleak weather and came to church to wor-
ship the Lord and hear God's Word. For the past several weeks, and especially on Sunday, I
have strongly sensed that God was doing something in all of us. I feel it as I visit people in
their homes. It has been good to see several elders leaning forward during the sermon as if
they were drinking in what Jesus had to give them. I could see it in the eyes of the people in
the congregation. For some time now I have been sensing a softness in certain people who
seemed prickly and hard before. The Lord certainly has been at work in people's lives well be-
fore I came to St Fergus Parish Church. But now I can really feel it: something's happening
here. I covet your prayers for me and the people of St Fergus Parish Church.

Blessings to you and yours,

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