Friday, May 04, 2012

Continued Blessings as Plans Take Shape

I am still in shock as time rushes forward, whether I am ready or not. Over the past four years
I have had so many doors slammed in my face or been bogged down in times of waiting. I still
cannot rest with the reality that both my passport application and thesis were accepted by the
powers that be. I still wake up early in the morning wondering whether they were nothing more
than dreams of wishful thinking. Gradually I realize that they are real and that I have plenty to
do in the coming weeks.

I was informed that Thursday, June 14, was the earliest date for the service of my induction as
minister of St. Fergus Parish Church. All of the parties involved have agreed to that date. I have
heard that the village is all a buzz that I am coming. The children are busy practicing their con-
tributions to the service. My visa becomes valid June 1. I did consider entering the United King-
dom in late May, but broke it off when I saw the added expense and work to do in order to ap-
ply for a general visa. I will not risk being turned back from entering Scotland before June 1 at
an airport in Britain because I entered Britain before the date on my visa. I want everything to
be in order and legal.

I recently secured my flight to Scotland, departing from Vancouver, BC, Canada, on Canadi-
an Affair in the evening of June 5 and landing in Glasgow, Scotland, in the morning of June
6. Due to flying one-way during the summer period, I was very concerned about the price of
the ticket before I started my airline search on the internet. My concerns were validated when
I priced  one-way seats on a variety of air carriers at prices between $1300 and $1800 for late
May and early June. Feeling a bit forlorn, I looked at the Canadian Affair website. They are a
Canadian charter air service that flies between five Canadian cities and six British airports, one
of which is Glasgow.

When I searched for Canadian Affair flights from Vancouver, BC, to Glasgow, in early June,
I was astounded by a one-way flight on June 5 for less than less than 350 Canadian dollars. It
surprised me even more when I learned I could reserve an extra leg room seat for 80 Canadian
dollars. The grand total cost came to under 430 Canadian dollars. I quickly reserved my ticket
and seat and made the payment. In a few seconds I had my confirmation papers. There were
no other flights on other dates or other Canadian Affair routes that were that low in price. I had
the deep sense that the Lord was taking care of me and sending me a gentle message of His
graciousness and favor.

I hope to take the train up to Vancouver, BC, a day or two earlier so I can visit with friends I
knew when I was at Regent College over ten years ago. The flight departs Vancouver, BC, in
the early evening of June 5, and arrives in Glasgow, Scotland, in the am of June 6. I plan on
arriving in St. Fergus on June 7. I have one week to get settled in before I am inducted on June
14. It is all happening so fast. I am excited. As always, I covet your prayers as I journey through
these momentous times.

Blessings to you and yours,

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