Thursday, May 26, 2011

It Wasn't the End of the World as We Know It

A song by R.E.M. has been going round and round my mind for the last several
weeks. The chorus goes something like this: It's the end of the world as we know
it / It's the end of the world as we know it / It's the end of the world as we know 
it, and I feel fine. Well, in the days immediately preceding and following May 21,
it wasn't the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

During the days leading up to Saturday, May 21, I was fascinated with Harold
Camping and his warnings that May 21 would be the Day of Judgment when
Christ would return to earth. The 89-year old Bible teacher was absolutely cer-
tain that his careful study over a lifetime pointed to that date for the end of the
world as we know it. He broadcast the message over his Family Radio net-
work, sent teams of followers far and wide to warn people, and erected thou-
sands of billboards across the USA and around the world to warn people of
their imminent doom. He and his ministry were sincere about their beliefs;
they certainly were not in it for the money or the publicity.

All kinds of thoughts and feelings were racing around in me as May 21 came
closer and closer. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I eagerly await his coming
again. I proclaim the Mystery of Faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, and
Christ will come again! Christians throughout the centuries have awaited his
coming again as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to judge the world. But
I have to confess that I often hope he doesn't come soon. I am enjoying my-
self too much. I do yearn for Christ to come again, it's just that I want him to
return later rather than sooner.  I want to get back to Scotland. That's how I
feel much of the time, and that saddens me. It grieves me when I feel that way.

I remember back to an earlier time when Harold Camping and Family Radio
predicted that Christ would come on a certain date in 1994.  He even published
a small book detailing how he got to that date. But when his prediction proved
to be wrong, many of us thought he would have learned his lesson. Scriptural
texts such as Acts 1:7 and Matthew 24:36 warn Christians against setting the
time of Christ's Return. And now this time he was absolutely certain that Christ
would return on May 21, 2011. How terribly foolish of him to do that.

Since 6 pm on Saturday, May 21, I have been doing a lot of praying for those
who were related to this whole situation. I have been praying that the Lord
would bless Harold Camping and all those who put their hopes in the foolish
teaching. May they not reject the faith in their great disappointment, but be
strengthened in the truth of who Jesus Christ is and what God did through him
on the cross. I also have been praying that the Lord would bless those who
scoffed, mocked, and ridiculed all those who got caught up in the false teach-
ing. May they come to trust what Jesus did for them on the cross when he came
the first time, and be ready for him when he really does come again. May they
not scorn nor mock that.

I pray that we, the Church, we who confess Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour,
would not only eagerly await his coming again, but also go about the Father's
kingdom business until he does come again. May we be found faithful at his
coming.  Maranatha! Come! Lord Jesus. Come!

Blessings to you and yours,

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