Monday, April 13, 2009

Christ Is Risen! He Has Risen Indeed!

I had a wonderful and glorious week that began on Palm
Sunday and reached a crescendo on the Sunday past as
Cupar Old Parish Church celebrated Jesus Christ's death
on the Cross and His Resurrection from the dead. It was
a very special week for me.

The special week began on Palm Sunday with a young boy
representing Jesus riding on a donkey from the church
hall to the church down the street. A large group of chil-
dren and their parents followed Jesus and the donkey
shouting hosannahs as we processed to the church. The
congregation followed closely behind singing Palm Sunday
songs and hymns. We all had quite a delightful time prais-
ing the Lord in the morning service.

In recent years the ministers of the five churches in town
have sponsored evening Holy Week services. This year
they were held at the Scottish Episcopal Church congrega-
tion in town. Each of the speakers was assigned a passage
from the Gospel of John to speak on. We were also told to
keep the service short. Sheila, the minister of the other
Church of Scotland congregation in town, led us on Mon-
day. Fr. Pat of the Roman Catholic church spoke on Tues-
day. On Wednesday I spoke from John 13:21-32 about the
Cross being the glory of both Jesus and the Father.

But the highlight of the week was Thursday and Friday.
On Thursday Anne, the minister of the host church, led
us in a Maunday Thursday service of foot washing and
communion. It concluded with the stripping of the altar
as the congregation read Psalm 22. On Good Friday Bill,
the minister of the Baptist church in town, gave a very
powerful message about Jesus' death on the Cross. A mem-
ber of his church took the part of a Roman centurion who
had a role in the crucifixion of Jesus. It was a very moving

Earlier Friday afternoon, there had been a Good Friday pil-
grimage. A large crowd of us walked from church to church.
At each of the five churches we heard Scripture readings
about Jesus' walk to Golgotha and sang spiritual songs to
Jesus. It, too, was a very special time for me as I pondered
what Jesus had done for us.

Easter Sunday was a glorious day! I took part in a 8AM
Easter service at the top of the Hill of Tarvit that over-
looks our town of Cupar. There was a brilliant sun, but
it was still a wee bit chilly and windy. I was able to look
over the valley in which our town of Cupar is cradled. Ken,
the minister I work with at Cupar Old, gave a Resurrec-
tion Day message. There were people from all the churches
in Cupar. It was really a great way to enter into the spirit
of Resurrection Sunday. But the highpoint of this special
day was the worship at the packed out sanctuary at Cupar

After the church service I had a nice Easter meal with some
friends from church, and then went home and had a great
Sunday nap. Nothing could be better!

Christ is risen! He has risen indeed!

Blessings, and all the best to you and yours,

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