Monday, August 11, 2008


I have now been here at The Open Gate Retreat Centre
on Holy Island, England, for ten weeks. I've washed loads
of dishes and pans, scrubbed a lot of toilets, prepared rooms
for countless guests, and led several dozen Mid-Day and
Evening Prayer chapels. I probably have two or three more
weeks before I head back up to Scotland to work with a min-
ister of the Church of Scotland for twelve months. I have not
received word yet about where I will be headed. I could be
anywhere in Scotland. I have been using a lot of my free
time to prepare to write more for my thesis. I have really
enjoyed having more time to develop my thesis. Soon I
hope to do more writing.

I sense that the Lord has been using my time of volunteer
service here at The Open Gate to form and shape me for
what is ahead of me in Scotland. I have been becoming more
attentive to other people that are our guests at The Open
Gate. It has been a learning experience for me to develop
sensitivity to other people. As a result I have become more
attentive to what is happening in me, especially in regards
to God at work in my life. It has been quite a rewarding ad-
venture for me. The longer I am here on the island, the more
I become attentive to nature: the birds, flowers. grasses, in-
sects, rocks, geological formations, cloud formations, tides,
wind, and rain. It has been an eye opening experience to be-
gin to notice the riches of nature all around me that is such
a treasure of the island. As a result, I have become more at-
tentive to who God is and how God is at work in my life. It
has been a truly blessed time for me here on Holy Island.

Blessings to you and yours,


Liz said...

yo Jeff!!! You picked the same blogger template I did. I finally decided to bite the big one and just get my own blog. I have all these insane essays just forming themselves in my head so if I post them then maybe I won't be thinking of stuff when I am supposed to be doing other things (like driving for instance....)

Canadi-Ann said...


Great to hear from you & get an update on your life. I hope by now you've heard from the Church of Scotland. I bet living in the tension of the now and the not yet is quite tangible for you these days. Good for you for your patience, willingness and obedience.

Glad you're still motivated to work on your thesis. Good on ya!

I'm a bit envious of the fact that you have the space to be on Holy Island and focus.

Blessings on you and missed seeing you in France!