I just got back from seeing the stirring movie Act of Valor with my two best buds in the whole
wide world. Afterwards we talked about the movie and current events while chowing down
on the best hamburgers I've eaten in a long time. I really enjoyed being with them and going
to the movie together. It was great buddy time. Our time together was a great way to cap a
busy day for me. In the morning I attended the Cowlitz County Republican Convention to
choose delegates to attend county and state Republican conventions. Then delegates will be
chosen to attend the National convention that will choose the Republican presidential candi-
date to oppose President Obama in November.
I have been watching the process to select the Republican presidential candidate with great in-
terest since the fall of last year. I have been seriously concerned about the course of the coun-
try since the 2008 presidential and congressional elections. Things seemed pretty dismal until
the 2010 GOP election victories across the nation. I am enthusiastic about Republican candi-
dates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich, but not as much for Ron Paul. Of the
first three, I am most supportive of Mitt Romney, although I would fully support any of them
against President Obama. I admire Romney's stance on the issues, especially economic poli-
cy. He has the experience in business and government to serve well as chief executive of the
country. Romney has the character and integrity to tackle the critical issues that the USA faces
at this time in history.
With all this in mind, I set my sights on attending the county Republican caucus when I first
heard about the date earlier in the year. I was excited about going and being part of the politi-
cal process. When I got to the place it was held, I was surprised to see a long line to register.
People were in a line that stretched outside and down the street for a good ways. All the park-
ing lots were full, so I finally found a place to park a short walk away. I spent close to an hour
in a slow moving line to register. There were people of all ages there and most were white. I
listened to conversations of people who were extremely concerned about the way the country
was heading with the current administration. A change in the direction for the country was
yearned for. Ron Paul supporters were out in full force with their signs. There was a festive
mood as we entered into the building where the caucus was held. I was excited to be involved
in this process. The hall was jam packed with people. They were crowded around tables, one
table for one or sometimes two precincts. Many people were left standing with all of the chairs
Far more people attended than was expected. The caucus was called to order at 10:00 with
prayer and the pledge of allegiance, but then put on standby until registration could be con-
cluded. We didn't proceed with the caucus until close to 11:00. I will write more about the
caucus tomorrow or the next day. There's a lot to share.
Blessings to you and yours,
1 comment:
Sorry I missed you. I was there at the Constitution Precinct table...
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