Sunday, August 24, 2008

More Specifics

On November 1 I will start a twelve month familiarization
placement at Old Cupar, a Church of Scotland congregation
in the town of Cupar, twelve miles south of St. Andrews. I
met with the minister, Rev. Ken Jeffreys, last week and we
had a delightful time. After meeting one another both of us
realized I would be a good fit for the church.

Ken is a Presbyterian from Northern Ireland who has com-
mited himself to renewal and revival of the Church in Scot-
land. Having served as a missionary in Africa he has a heart
for missions. I sense that over the six years he has been the
pastor of Old Cupar the congregation has grown both in num-
ber and community life. They have just finished a building
renovation plan that was tied in with financial support of a
mission in Peru. Ken and his wife are expecting their fourth
child in September and he will be off on paternity leave for
several weeks. Then he'll lead a mission team to Peru in Oc-
tober. That is the reason I won't be starting until November.

I asked the staff of The Open Gate Retreat Centre if I could
continue volunteering until the end of October. I had informed
them in June that I expected to be placed in a church by the
beginning of September. They are happy for me to remain
for the extra two months. Actually I was hoping I could re-
main here longer. There is something about this place that
is so refreshing for me. It has been such a joy and blessing
to be here! I am grateful to God for my unexpected oppor-
tunities on Holy Island/Lindisfarne and at Old Cupar. Truly
I have been blessed!

Blessings to you and yours, and all the best,

1 comment:

Canadi-Ann said...

Sweet Jeff! Praise God and glad for his provision of a church, and the opportunity to remain at the retreat a bit longer than expected.

Soooo glad it's close to St. Andrew's too, perfect!