Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today's the Day!

Today is the day of my viva, and I am ready to get on with
it! I have spent the last ten days preparing for this day after
not having touched the thesis since it was submitted in Jan-
uary. I look forward to critical feedback on what I worked
hard on for four years. I am eager to get into the viva.

I had a good rest last night and woke up refreshed. Soon I
will head off to Morning Prayer at the University Chapel,
and then go for a walk along the North Sea, have pancakes
and hot chocolate at the North Point (a hangout of mine),
and then probably take a little nap. I don't know what
I'll do yet after that. The viva is scheduled for 2:30. I'll
try to remember to post the outcome of the viva some
time tonight.

All the best,


ganordin said...

Well, what happened????

motherwombat said...

Yes. We're waiting with bated breath!


Unknown said...

Jeff, we are with you to the ends of the earth