I will soon be undergoing serious open heart surgery.
After consultation with a cardiac surgeon in June my
name was placed on a waiting list for surgery to replace
the aortic root valve in my heart. Recently I was notified
that I can expect to be admitted to the Royal Infirmary
(that's quite an impressive name!) in Edinburgh, Scot-
land, in three or four weeks for the surgery. It is serious
open heart surgery but it is my breast bone, not the heart,
that will require six to eight weeks to heal. They have prom-
ised to have me up and walking two or three days after
the surgery.
The need for such surgery has not been unknown to me.
For more than twenty-five years doctors have told me
that I could expect to have my heart valve replaced some-
time in the future. It was never if I would need surgery,
but when. Recent tests revealed that my aortic root valve
has been dialating so rapidly within the past year that it
could put me at risk shortly. In June a heart surgeon to
whom I had been assigned looked at my test results and
strongly encouraged me to have the valve replacement sur-
gery as soon as possible.
In July I was notified that my name had been placed on
a waiting list for open heart surgery. The surgeon had
requested that I have surgery in August, but that month
came and went without any notification. Priority was giv-
en to people needing bypass surgery and emergency atten-
tion. It has been a bit hard waiting all this time for some
type of word.
On 4 October I was invited to the Infirmary-with-a-Sense-
of-Royalty for a pre-operation consultation. I was at the
brand new hospital for three and a half hours and received
an overview of what will happen during my surgery and re-
covery. I also took several tests that help them prepare for
my operation (I dutifully shared with them that I tend to
heal faster when I am well supplied with large quantities
of Dr Pepper and Mars bars).
I was very impressed with both the sense of competence
and professionalism of the medical staff as well as with
their care for the patients. I firmly believe that I am in
very good hands. Even though I left the hospital without
knowing a date for my operation, I was informed that it
should be within three or four weeks. But, again, I can do
nothing but wait. I am confident about having the surgery,
but I feel a bit overwhelmed by all that will soon be hap-
pening to me. I will be sharing more about this in the
days (or weeks?) to come while I await word about the
I ask for your prayers
Peace, Jeff T.
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